Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wow, these glasses are so light!

Think this will catch on? I doubt it...

from Gizmodo:

What All Glasses Will Look Like in 2020

The latest in designer eyewear, these just-announced, newly-patented "Avant-garde Frames" reduce the strain of glasses that generally pinch your nose and weigh down your ears. By shifting the support to a headband-like contraption, the glasses can hang over your eyes without imposing upon delicate surround tissue or muscles—especially important while jogging. They may look funny to you now, but we're pretty sure headphones looked silly once upon a time, too. Inventor Huang Mei only requires someone to purchase his patents to roll these babies into mass production.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No more reading glasses ??

A recent article discusses advances in surgical techniques that may make reading glasses a thing of the past. Surgeons are replacing the natural crystalline lens in the eye with a gel that will allow the focusing muscles to still function. If successful, this will eliminate the need for reading glasses that becomes more common once patients reach 40+ years of age.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson