Sunday, August 26, 2007

Staff Update

As summer draws to a close, I would like to update you regarding our staff.

Bev will be booking your appointments, coordinating the front desk activities, and performing the pre-testing before the eye exam. Jessica is returning to optometry school in Boston for her second year. She will be participating in more clinical training to compliment her classroom education. Julia is back from her vacation and will be coordinating your orders for glasses and contact lenses, as well as helping with some of the ocular health testing.

We hope you enjoyed your summer as much as we did!

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Vision and art go hand in hand. Photography is an art that requires great vision. I would like to put a spotlight on a photographer who is using his 'vision' to create great art.

Enrique Miranda lives in Wasaga Beach, ON and is an award-winning photographer. He has been coming to our practice for many years. He uses his vision to create great art. You can learn more about Enrique at his website, While the art and photography is all due to Enrique’s talent, I like to think that we've helped a bit with his vision.

Enjoy the great photos on Enrique's website.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson