Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eye Colour

British photographer Rankin has an exhibition entitled Eyescapes which features pictures of irises (the coloured part of the eye). I am always amazed to see the detail present in people's irises and these photos are a great example of this.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson

Myopia Control in Children

The COMET study attempted to determine if using an invisible bifocal lens would slow the rate of myopia (nearsightedness) increase in children who need glasses.

The study shows a clinically inconsequential difference between patients wearing invisible bifocals versus patients wearing standard single vision (distance vision correction) lenses. There was a benefit for patients who did not refocus well for near tasks and whose eyes tended to become esophoric (the eyes have a tendency to cross inwards but do not remain crossed) when doing near tasks.

The take home message is: " The small magnitude of the effect does not warrant a change in clinical practice."

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson

Smoking and Blindness

A leading researcher warns of the links between smoking and macular degeneration.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cataract surgery

This is an interesting article regarding cataract surgery. It offers a humorous, but informative, look at cataract surgery from a patient's perspective.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson

Monday, March 17, 2008

Laser vision correction article

This is an interesting article on a patient's impression of her recent Lasik surgery.

Dr. Glen J. Chiasson